1. Choose your fruit. Get loads of it.

Whatever you feel like - I like strawberry most. The photos are of babcia making blackberry jam.
2. Clean the fruit of twigs, stalks, hard stuff whatever, while in water.

3. Put roughly 1kg of fruit into a pot and add the jelly powder sachet (Your local Polski sklep[shop] will have this. See photo below). Heat and the berries produce juice.

4. When it is boiling add about 500g of sugar, mix, and bring back to boil for 5 minutes or so.
5. Take of heat and keep stirring until the white foam at the top dissipates.
6. Pour the hot mixture into clean jars, close and turn upside down for a few minutes.
7. Once they have reached room temperature they can be stored in the fridge.

Tell me what you think of this recipe.
Nice! I like your description, its simple but it works. I got back from Poland two weeks ago and i am having SERIOUS cravings! I am going to go and make your jam.
Thanks anonymous for your comment. How did it go?
This is great info to know.
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